Saturday, November 01, 2008

A Day at the Park

It was a beautiful day so we decided to go to Godwin Park.
I guess there are some perks with living in the Big City.
There were so many great pictures that I decided it would be best to just make a montage. We "borrowed" the idea from our Cousin Reagan's Mommy and Daddy :-)

Now is as good a time as any to reflect how blessed we are.
Justin is doing exceptionally well in school, he is in the honors program at school and he made the A/B Honor Roll this grading period.
Things are coming along well for Makayla also, she was promoted to the second grade and, after a long fight, was accepted to a program that allows her the assistance she needs. Her progress is so much better this year.
We still have alot of work ahead of us but, things are looking up.
And, as for Mr. Wesley, he is growing into this wonderful, bright, independant, sensitive, strong little boy!
He makes friends easily but doesn't need someone to play with at all times; he can spend over 30 minutes on his own arranging and assembling his railroad. Setting up trains, people, trees, etc..
He amazes me everyday!
Mommies spend almost every waking moment trying to make sure we are doing all we can to ensure our children have all the needed skills to do well in life. It has been a roller coaster ride watching him develop, worring about meeting developmental milestones
and then being relieved when he reaches them.
He is talking in full sentances and is
finally starting to "come out of his shell" at school.
He has such a neat personality, he is just like his Mommy and Daddy and then he is shows us he is his own person as well.
I always try to remind myself to slow down and cherish these days, they are gone in blink of an eye.


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